Talk about Chutzpah!

Here’s something that flew under the radar. Which meant the dumpster fire media tried to hide it. California Congresswoman “Mad” Maxine Waters is worried that Trump supporters are getting ready for violence in case he does lose the election in November. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Did she forget this moment? When she told a crowd to “push back” on members of President Trump’s cabinet!?

Waters was in office 30 years ago when her constituents burned down her district after the four Los Angeles Police Officers were acquitted in the arrest of Rodney King. Then during  the Trump inauguration weekend, there were riots all over Downtown Washington. No word from Waters. Then in 2020, America burned after George Floyd died from an overdose after trying to pass counterfeit currency and giving cops trouble. Waters was all over the cops, not the mostly peaceful riots. Also in 2020, a member of Congress, Senator Rand Paul being attacked by thugs walking home from the White House after the gathering for the Republican nomination. Now she’s worried about violence from Trump supporters. Not the violence currently plaguing our city streets or college campus’ including UCLA! Nope Mad Maxine is worried about Trump supporters training in the hills. Those “Trump supporters” are probably feds anyways! Trump supporters are too busy working putting food on the family’s table, gas in the car and a roof over their head!

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