A candidate to shake up Washington

This election year Vermont has a young go getter that will take on Washington like Jefferson Smith went to the Senate in Mr. Smith goes to Washington. I’m talking about 82 year old Bernie Sanders! 

Sanders is the poster child for term limits. Mick Jagger is 80 years old and still shakes his ass! Sanders acts and looks like Mick Jagger’s father! In 2016 Sanders rallied against millionaires and billionaires.  In 2020 he only rallied against billionaires.  Why? Because he became a millionaire.  Sanders wrote a book against capitalism then held an event where he sold tickets for $100 to promote his book! 

If Sanders does serve another term, don’t look for him to adhere to the constitution,  fight corruption or put America first. It will be the same; money and power while selling out the American people.  

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