
April 7, 2018 Our first show. No prep, no music, no voiceovers, no sleep, no problem!


April 14; The greatest radio intro ever!


April 21, 2018: Jay from Downtown White Police fills in as Walter was still asleep and Scoop was in Hollywood pitching a buddy cop film starring himself and Ron Jeremey.


April 28, 2018: Walter is at it solo!


May 5, 2018: Walter by himself again. First Ladies, Cinco de mayo, gasoline


May 12, 2018 Walter and Jay talk about North Korea and a new sitcom!


May 19, 2018; Walter gets a jump on the shooting in Santa Fe, Texas!

May 26, 2018: Walter voice is shot and Jay helps out. Remembering Memorial Day.


June 2: Roseanne and the Deep State.


June 16: Walter and Scoop back together again.


June 23: Walter and Jay at it again. Illegals separated, Trump being Trump, sports.


June 30: Walter AND Scoop together! Red Hen, Scoop drives for Uber, tipping


July 7: Walt and Scoop talk Doors history, eating out, Uber


July 14: Walter by himself. Domestic violence, baseball, FBI hearings.


July 21: Scoop and Walter: police and race (again), Trump summit, Stars and bars forever, California still sucks.


July 27: Walt by himself again. Security clearances, NFL, Bill Cosby injects racism in his roofie cocktail.


August 11: Jim Lancia fills in as Walter is away. We talk about censorship and Unite the Right.


August 18: We remember a Detroit hero that was called home to the Lord, Hint: It wasn’t Aretha Franklin. We also talk about the corrupt Andrew Cuomo who hates America and names bridges after his horrible father. Also Boy George and Travon Martin stops by.


August 25: Walter doing it solo. Molly Tibbets and the Opioid Crisis. Walter comes clean with dealing with his demons. Like everything else, he beats it, bad.


September 1: Walter and Scoop talk about the circus known as the John McCain funeral


September 8: Walter talks about Judge Kavanaugh, Nike, and real wor


September 15: Hurricane Florence, horrific crime in TN, Obama takes credit for the Trump economy,


September 29: Walter talks Kavanaugh, the NFL


October 6: Scoop returns. Kavanaugh wins, Trump wins, another American has passed, the state of New York City Jails. Note: This episode did not air.


October 20: MICHAEL DOWD appears on the show!


October 27, 2018: Scoop does it alone as Walter is at the hair salon getting his cornrows tightened! Scoop talks Corey Booker, the caravan, and Happy Birthday to The Political Cesspool!


November 3: Walt and Scoop is back! Halloween violent rhetoric


November 10: The election, fires, and a happy 60th to Walter Yurkiw!


November 17: Walter goes it alone because Scoop’s wife will not go to work!


November 24: Walter and Jay records on Thanksgiving Day while Scoop is suffering!


December 1: Walter hosts and Scoop chimes in later. Topics, illegal aliens and a shout out to Andrew Wilkow who took a Red 42 bumper!


December 8: Fanboy Scoop Stanton is happy as a bearded clam as he has author, Veteran and former US Secret Service Uniformed Officer Gary Byrne on. He saw the Clinton scandal up close and personal!


December 15: New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio does not rush to a hospital when one of his cop is shot! Washington DC decriminalizes fare beating. Our medical facilities is noting but a pill mill!


December 22: It has been 4 years since Detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were murdered. We were the only show to remember them!


December 27: Officer does the right thing, harassment in the workplace, Samantha Bee, build a wall.


Jan 5, 2019! First show of 2019, Elizabeth Warren running for president, officer down and the politicians don’t care.


Jan 12, 2019: A border wall, nothing to see here but a cop’s funeral, Scoop gets into it with Brietbart News Tonight. Mentioned USS Liberty, got called “One of those.”


Jan 19, 2019: Walt and Scoop talk about the 800,000 government employees doing nothing, either at home or at work!


Jan 26, 2019: Media messes up, again! Walter talks about the Hispanic gang problem in his neck of the woods!


February 2, 2019: Guest: JB Gunner from JB Gunner tv!


February 9, 2019: Scoop puts on blackface in honor of the Virginia Democrat leadership. Also the SOTU address and where’s Ruthie?


Feb 16, 2019: Scoop’s computer shits the bed so he’s on a landline. Officer down due to friendly fire, Black, gay, broke Andrew Cuomo, Jussie Smollett.


February 23, 2019: Jussie Smollett, Keith The Cop and Compound Media.


March 2, 2019: Scoop is back at CPAC!


March 9, 2019: CPAC recap, Bald Eagles in DC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


March 16, 2019: Walter at it solo! Boeing, Colleges, New Zealand, pie day!


March 23, 2019: Scoop and Walter is in Twitter jail!


March 30, 2019: Still suspended, Jussie Smollett blacklash, Muller fiascio, Mainstream media still falling apart!


April 6, 2019: Our one year anniversary show! April 7, 2018 Walter Yurkiw and I start radio history! We reflect on our fast year!


April 13, 2019: Baseball legend Lenny Dykstra joins 75 Radio


April 20, 2019: Animal at the Mall of America, Notre Dame burns, suicide awareness.


April 27, 2019: No Walter, no studio. Scoop is at it alone and his computer takes a crap. Joe Biden, Churches burn and the media fiddled.


May 4, 2019: Walter and Scoop on all 8 cylinders! We blast Joe Biden, MOS is sued for police brutality!


May 11, 2019: Sean Bergin hosts 75 Radio! ‘Nuff said!


May 18, 2019: Our guest could not be reached so Walter and Scoop wings it with Joe Biden and Bill deBlasio running for president, and Lenny Dykstra joins Compound Media.