Talk about Chutzpah!

Here’s something that flew under the radar. Which meant the dumpster fire media tried to hide it. California Congresswoman “Mad” Maxine Waters is worried that Trump supporters are getting ready for violence in case he does lose the election in November. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Did she forget this moment? When she told a crowd to “push back” on members of President Trump’s cabinet!?

Waters was in office 30 years ago when her constituents burned down her district after the four Los Angeles Police Officers were acquitted in the arrest of Rodney King. Then during  the Trump inauguration weekend, there were riots all over Downtown Washington. No word from Waters. Then in 2020, America burned after George Floyd died from an overdose after trying to pass counterfeit currency and giving cops trouble. Waters was all over the cops, not the mostly peaceful riots. Also in 2020, a member of Congress, Senator Rand Paul being attacked by thugs walking home from the White House after the gathering for the Republican nomination. Now she’s worried about violence from Trump supporters. Not the violence currently plaguing our city streets or college campus’ including UCLA! Nope Mad Maxine is worried about Trump supporters training in the hills. Those “Trump supporters” are probably feds anyways! Trump supporters are too busy working putting food on the family’s table, gas in the car and a roof over their head!

A candidate to shake up Washington

This election year Vermont has a young go getter that will take on Washington like Jefferson Smith went to the Senate in Mr. Smith goes to Washington. I’m talking about 82 year old Bernie Sanders! 

Sanders is the poster child for term limits. Mick Jagger is 80 years old and still shakes his ass! Sanders acts and looks like Mick Jagger’s father! In 2016 Sanders rallied against millionaires and billionaires.  In 2020 he only rallied against billionaires.  Why? Because he became a millionaire.  Sanders wrote a book against capitalism then held an event where he sold tickets for $100 to promote his book! 

If Sanders does serve another term, don’t look for him to adhere to the constitution,  fight corruption or put America first. It will be the same; money and power while selling out the American people.  

There is still hope left in America

We love this nation. We have the highest standard of living and freedoms other risk their lives to come here. That’s why we risk everything to keep it that way. But we do have some major problems. Inflation, open border, crime, drugs, deteriorating infrastructure, fiat currency, debt, trade deficits, corruption, the woke culture and the list goes on and on!

Then you have protests on college campus’ about Israel and Palestine. This really weird as the US is not involved (yet), there is no draft and most of these protesters are not even students. At one protest this week at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill a group of fraternity brothers stood together to prevent the American flag from touching the ground. The Palestinian protesters wanted to raise the flag of Palestine on the campus. In America. This is a huge victory for common sense as colleges are taken over by the left where professors making six figure salaries working less than 40 hours a week tells the student body that America sucks! Bravo to the men who protected Old Glory and bravo to their parents who raised them right!

Still believe there’s no Deep State!?

James O’Keefe has done it again. He got a CIA contractor to spill the beans on the Deep State. Yes; the Deep State is spying on Donald Trump. Yes the Deep State set up Trump with the FISA warrants. And it looks like the election will be stolen again!

Sure I’m sure the contractor embellished some facts. We all do. But this is Washington, DC. Everyone hates Trump. But this dude, Mr Fseisi is up the food chain. He wouldn’t put out what we patriots already knew or theorized.

The worst part is that CIA is not allowed to spy on innocent American citizens!

But don’t look for the media to jump on this. Did you watch the morning news local and cable? It was the useful idiots at college campus’ and the Trump trial!


The past couple of days have been less than spectacular. I paid a fortune to get my car fixed and I need even more repairs. On Saturday I went to Columbia Marina near National Airport and was having a great time with some friends. I had to leave because I couldn’t get a wifi connection for the radio show! And the party was in full swing! The show was good, except Topless Outlaws Late Model Series owner Mike Robinette couldn’t get a signal! We barely got the show out due to technical issues from me, Mike (Rakebrandt) and our production team. The quality was so bad, I decided not to put it out. Monday, 4 members of the law enforcement community were murdered attempting to execute a search warrant. Then I come across the story of a Marine who joined the FDNY, suffered a heart attack while at home, placed on light duty then was recently fired due to the City of New York using tax money to pay for the care of the onslaught of illegal aliens. Then this hero with a family has another heat attack and passes away leaving his family with nothing!

Then I came across this!

My week just got a whole lot better! And it did for a whole lot of people, especially those I work with! Now I’ve seen what must be hundreds of pictures of the World’s First Radio Spokesmodel; 75 Radio’s own Danila Rodrigues! I must have taken hundreds of pictures of Danila myself! Hell, she must have taken a hundred selfies with me alone! And when I say take selfies, she has to literally take the actual selfie on my phone. But this was something else! Kudos to photographer Brian Silver! To me, photography is an art form and Mr Silver had the perfect canvas! You all need to follow Brian on Instagram! And of course Bravo Zulu on a job well done and thank you to Danila for everything you do for your fans and the 75 Radio family! And for those late to the party, follow Danila on Instagram. And those ladies in Washington, DC looking to improve the way they look, check out Danila’s Wellness and Aesthetics Center! She knows a thing or two about beauty.