New York Police Department 1845-2020



In 1993 Mayoral candidate Rudy Giuliani promised to get tough on crime. He beat the incumbent black progressive David Dinkins. Giuliani along with Bill Bratton, Howard Safir, John Timoney, Jack Maple reduced crime so much that It became a model for the entire world. One of the tools was the Anti Crime units in every Precinct. The Anti Crime units were already in use 20 years before Giuliani ran for office. Anti Crime officers were hard charging plainclothes officers in unmarked cars that went looking for people with guns, or drugs that were a menace to the people in the city. Many of these cops were able to make detective, or go into specialized units such as Narcotics or Street Crimes Unit. The amount of drugs guns, and perps off the street from Anti crime is insurmountable. As a member of Anti Crime, you got your hands dirty. You put hands on people. It was not for people looking for a Squad 8 position; Monday-Friday, or being a master of a desk. It was for people looking for action. As you are dealing with really bad people, bad things happen. People do get beat up, people do get shot. People do go to jail. Policing is an ugly, dirty business! Well, this week Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, disbanded the Anti Crime squads and assigned 600 cops elsewhere. I guess his boss Mayor de Blasio told him to do it.

This couldn’t have come at a worse time. The jails were half empty thanks to Bail Reform Laws. The other half is being let out due to Corona 19 virus. The DA’s are not prosecuting, the jails are letting them out and the cops have their hands tied. Then with the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter/ Antifa opportunists, the city fell into chaos. So the men and women who know those streets, know the shot callers and corners are doing something else, somewhere else.

If the Republicans want to win in 2021, they need to come out for law and order. People who own businesses vote too. People want to live in safety. They don’t want to go back to the days of Death Wish and Fort Apache The Bronx.

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